Etheldred BOYT aka Etheldred BOYT GATLING & Etheldred B GATLING b abt 1777 Gates Co NC; son of ?David? or ?Samuel? BOYT & Charity GATLING. He was gson of William GATLING (b 1728 & d 1808 Gates Co). On 2 Nov 1779, Charity GATLING appeared in Gates Co ct & filed an indemnity bond for maintenance of “her Eligitimate Child begotten on her Body” (CtB1 Feb 1779). A yr later Harvy GATLING, baseborn child of Charity GATLING abt 6 yrs of age (b cal 1774) was bound as an apprentice to Elisha CROSS to learn leather work (CtB I: May 1780). A few yrs later Charity m Elisha HOWELL of Halifax Co NC on 26 Nov 1783; her father William GATLING posted the bond. A deed dtd 1 Feb 1789 lists prop owned by Benjamin BAKER, w/ a corner in Jonathan BOICE’s line; it lists John ODOM adj & touching HARE’s old patent corner (Bk2p4). On 13 Apr 1794 Simon STALLINGS, sheriff, sold to James BAKER…150 ac belonging to Docton RIDDICK, dec’d, est. Sold by ct order to satisfy writ of BOYD (sic) & William BENNETT who sued his est for debts. RIDDICK’s tract desc as beg mulberry tree nr sw, running SW to Bennett’s Ck, E to Moses SPEIGHT’s line to main rd th W to fork (Bk4p199). Etheldred & his guardian are mentioned on 9 May 1794 in a deed from John BAKER, sheriff, to John DOCTON of Nansemond Co VA (this date & guardianship helps id a b date for him.) The deed was for 500 acs formerly owned by Benjamin BAKER & sold by ct order due to debts; it states that William HUTCHES (sic) was guardian of Etheldred; it was proved in May ct 1795 (BkA-5p211). Later, recs show that William GATLING served as Etheldred’s guardian. Abt 1798 Etheldred m Elizabeth BARNES, dau of Benjamin BARNES; Ben liv 1 farm away from Etheldred & Elizabeth in 1810. Ct, land, & census recs show that Etheldred BOYT liv in Gates Co in 1794 thru 1820. On 24 Jan 1808 Etheldred BOYT sold to Mills LEWIS & John VANN Sr, 90 ac lying nr Honey Pot pocosin beg at corner in William W RIDDICK’s line W to SUMNER’s line to HUGHES’ old rd to CUFF’s…(Bk8p90); James GATLING & William GOODMAN wit this deed. In another deed dtd 2 Nov 1809 (DBk8p190) Hillory WILLEY & Miles PARKER sold for $50 a 50 ac plot on Honey Pot Pocosin, & an abbreviated desc follows: “beg at a maple in David Sumner’s line E to a pine then nearly S to Etheldred Boyt’s line & to a corner…nearly W to William W Riddick’s line…to a corner…signed Miles Parker Hillory Willey. This shows that Etheldred still owned land in this area aft selling 90 ac on Honey Pot. In the same deed Bk 8, he is also listed as Etheldred B GATLING in 3 deeds: 1) p 34 dtd 6 Mar 1809 Etheldred B GATLING sold to Jonathan ROGERS for $122.50…50 acs of land, part of a patent to Thomas JERNIGAN dtd 2 Feb 1719, land that Henry DILDAY purchased of Henry GOODMAN, dec & bounded beg at a litewood(sic) stump a corner of William GOODMAN Sr & Isaac PIPKIN Sr & sd Henry DILDAY… running to a new line …to William GATLING…[signed] Etheldred B Gatling Selah (Celia) X Goodman; 2) p169: on 29 Aug 1812 Henry GOODMAN, “sheriff, sold to Etheldred Boyt Gatling…248 acs of land belonging to William Gatling & bounded by John Cross, Isaac Lee, & Etheldred B Gatling…sold to highest bidder Etheldred B Gatling…$400.” 3) p257 on 17 Sep 1812 Etheldred B Gatling sold 4 Negroes Kedar age 6, Jerry 6, Frances Sara 4, & Ben 3 to William LEE for $473.33 ½. An est sale was held on 2 Jun 1808, & Etheldred B GATLING’s name is the 2nd buyer; by the end of the p & thereafter he is listed as E B GATLING (Anc im 24070 of 87340). At the sale, Etheldred B GATLING bought a mare, colt, new gun, farm equipment, 16 barrels of corn, 5 maple chairs, & more at his gfather’s est sale; his purchases totaled $275.87 (Anc im 2405?of 87340). Im 24075 of 87340 lists David BOYT who purchased Lots # 9 & 16 (stock of bees); Jonathan BOYCE purchased lot #4. “Wm Goodman & Isaac Pipkin” signed as execs (im 24077). Etheldred’s step-grandmother Celia GATLING sued her husb’s est for dower in Aug 1808. “Etheldred Gatling alias Boyt” was subpoenaed (as well as several others) to appear in Superior Ct Apr term 1809 in settling his grandfather’s est; his summons dtd 10 Oct 1808. An online transcribed rec of the Sup ct calendar & a GATLING fam hist shows his middle name as BOYD; however no BOYDs liv in Gates Co btw 1788 & 1820 according to tax, land, census, and ct recs for Gates Co. On 10 Oct 1808 the Gates Co sheriff was ordered to summon “David Harrell Henry Copeland Henry Goodman Wm Goodman Etheldred Boyt & Miles Gatling” to appear bef the Superior Ct judge for Gates Co in Mar 1809 to testify re Wm Gatling Sr’s dec’d in a controversial matter. “The Executor {Celia} is Plft & William Gatling Junr is Deft” (Anc im 24100 of 87340). Im 24094 is dtd 11 Apr 1809 & signed “William Gatling”; it states that res of Nansemond Co VA were needed to testify in the Superior Ct case but were not informed & failed to attend. Im 24096 shows a summons for David BOYET, Laml SMITH, & William GOODMAN … to appear bef the Sup Ct in Gates Co on “behalf of The Exors of William Gatling at this term”…dtd 9 Apr 1810. Elijah JONES was also summoned to appear at Sup ct for Gates Co at the ct house in Gates on 10 Apr 1809 (Im24098). Etheldred B GATLING was ordered to serve as juror for Co Ct Aug 1809 (p632). In Aug 1809 Etheldred B GATLING ordered to Sup ct as juror (p637). On 21 Aug 1809 Etheldred B GATLING ordered to serve on grand jury (p634). In Aug 1810 Etheldred BOYT was ordered to Superior ct as juror for Sep 1810 (p671). Altho the est papers are unorganized, Im 24123 & 24124 show that bef her m to William GOODMAN, as Celia GATLING, Relict of Wm GATLING decd, she appealed the dower laid out for her; the inside shows Aug term 1808 & gives her statement for the appeal as her decd husb (William GATLING) had “Possessed of Four other Tracts of Land” which were not considered. In May ct 1809 Etheldred B GATLING & (his step gmother who had remd) Celia GOODMAN’s sale of land to Jonathan ROGERS was proven on oath of Richard BARNES Esq (p629). Im 24123 & 24124 show that bef her m to William GOODMAN, as Celia GATLING, Relict of Wm GATLING decd, she appealed the dower laid out for her; the inside shows Aug term 1808 & gives her statement for the appeal that her decd husb had “Possessed of Four other Tracts of Land” which were not considered. Im 24119 of 87340 shows that the dower case cont in Sup ct in Oct term 1810. Im 24103 lists costs for wits incl David BOYETT. This tri-fold paper shows the date in the middle section as Oct term 1811. Another paper in this file (Im24105) shows David’s name spelled BOYATT & that he attended ct 4 days as a wit for the plaintiff for travel of 120 miles. He was pd 2£ for 4 days, & 2£ for 4 trips of 30 miles ea day (thus 15 miles one way). Im 24121 lists land laid off for Celia GATLING GOODMAN’s dower; Etheldred B GATLING owned adj land on Beaverdam sw. Im 24128 shows a detailed list for her appeal & status on 29 Aug 1812. In 1810 the census shows him as “Etheldred Boyt”; he is listed btw Isaac LEE & George WILLIAMS; on the other side of them are Richard BARNES & Mills LEWIS. No other BOYTs or GATLINGS are shown on this p; he & his wife are shown as b btw 1785 & 1794 which must be incorrect; he is only male in HH & they had 3 daus: 1 b btw 1795 & 1800, & 2 btw 1801 & 1810 & 16 slaves (btw stmped p112&113). In this 1810 census of 10 entries on p 22, 6 are connected w/ Etheldred B GATLING’s est (p853). In Nov 1812 a deed of sale from Henry GOODMAN Esqr sheriff to Etheldred BOYT was proven in ct (Bk 4 p774). Sometime bef 20 Oct 1814 Etheldred & wife sold 2 land parcels to John ODOM of Gates Co, proven in ct Aug 1815 (Bk2pp980-101). Etheldred’s land rec desc it adj “a cart parth, main rd, & adj James GATLING. Etheldred also owned land which lay adj William GATLING Sr’s on Beaverdam sw as listed in dower right of William GATLING’s widow Mrs Celia (BOND) GATLING who m (2nd or 3rd) 20 Feb 1809 to William GOODMAN. Etheldred’s father-in-law Benjamin BARNES liv in Gates Co in 1786 (p324im5of17); his will was probated in Gates Co in 1809. Benjamin’s will clearly states 1 of his dau’s names as “Elizabeth Boyt” & shows her husb as Etheldred BOYT (Bk1pp48-50 & Anc im 2585of87340). Elizabeth recd $183.26 of her father’s est. Dur a ct session in Aug 1810, Etheldred BOYT was called to serve on a jury for Gates Co for Sep 1810 term (Bk3p671). There are more deeds, ct recs, guardianship papers for his children, etc which are listed at the end. In Feb 1817, the ct ordered Isaac PIPKIN, Henry GOODMAN, James GATLING, & Etheldred B GATLING to audit the accts of David BOYCE(sic) Adm of Martha BOYCE(sic) decd; they were also ordered to div her est (Bk4p967). In Aug 1817 PIPKIN, GATLING, & Etheldred B GATLING settled the est & accts of Martha BOYD w/ adm David BOYT. Etheldred & fam liv in Gates Co on 7 Aug 1820; the census shows that his 2 sons were b btw 1811-1820 & he & wife were under 44 yrs; their daus incl 4 b btw 1811 & 1820 & 1 b btw 1785 & 1804. He owned 25 slaves. Etheldred Boyt Gatling wrote his will on 14 Nov 1825 in Gates Co where it was probated. On 18 Aug 1831 the ct apptd John D PIPKIN as guardian to Etheldred’s son Richard BOYT (im589of1964). Etheldred willed his son John B GATLING “the Tract of Land Called the Long Field Adjoining the lands of Isaac Pipkin, the heirs of Henry Copeland et al, also “my large Gun and Blowing Horn.” To his son Richard B GATLING he willed “the Tract of Land Where I now live” on N sd of Beaver Dam sw, also my Gun. He willed the Old Plantation Tract (that he purchased of William GATLING) & the Tract whereon George GATLING “formerly lived Shall be Sold by my Executors and the Money arising from Such Sale to be Equally Divided amongst my Daughters Namely Emily B Gatling, Martha B Gatling, Elizabeth B Gatling, Mary Jane B Gatling and Harriet B Gatling to them & their Heirs forever.” He appointed Isaac PIPKIN & Lewis EURE as his execs. Leml GOODMAN & Will GOODMAN (Jr) witd it. It is signed “E. B. GATLING” but his signature does not match the handwritten will. It was accepted in Feb ct 1826 w/ Lewis EURE as wit & on oath of William GOODMAN. The Execs were duly qualified. Est recs filed in 1829 Gates Co for Etheldred BOYT GATLING, decd, lists BOYT heirs: Richard and John. On 24 Jan 1831 & on 27 Dec 1835, Richard B was still under guardianship of Col John D PIPKIN (23555-23473of 87340). In 1834 the surviving children & Mary Jane’s heirs jointly petitioned the ct to sell 2 tracts of land & div the money btw the heirs; the final div equaled $515.50 each. Etheldred & Elizabeth (BARNES) BOYT-GATLING Children: Emila/Emily/Emma B m Job R HALL; Marth[a] B m James PRUDEN on 27 Jan 1832 in Gates Co; John B; Margaret Elizabeth B m William STRODE on 2 Jul 1830 & then a DARDEN; Richard B; Mary Jane B m a ROBERTS bef 1834; & Harriet Laura BOYETTE b 10 Nov 1820 Gates, m Albert Gallatin VANN (b 1813 & d 1877) on 19 Dec 1838 in Gates Co, & d 8 Sep 1857 in Hertford Co. [GCNCC, NCEFGNC, CRGNC, MRGNC, CRGNC, 79GNC, 80GNC, 81GNC, 82GNC, HHCNC, WBGNC, GCNCH, GCNCD, GCNCEFI, GNCAnc, GCNCW, GCNCMB, MRGNC1, NCSER, NCESGNC]