Etheldred BOYT/BOYET

Etheldred BOYT/BOYET b est 1750 of Dobbs Co NC; son of Edward BOYET. He was 1st recd on the 1769 tax list for Dobbs Co as an older son of Edward BOYET. By 5 Nov 1771 in Dobbs Co, Etheldred filed his own land entry for 200 ac. He m bef 11 Jan 1772 to Priscilla JERNIGAN, dau of Thomas & Isabella JERNIGAN [Thomas was son of John & Temperance whose children incl Thomas, Allie wife of John WIGGS, Isabell wife of Jesse HAYS, Patience wife of Jesse WATKINS, & Priscilla.]

On 11 Jan 1772 Etheldred rec’d from Isbel (sic) JERNIGAN, a “full part” of the Thomas JERNIGAN’s est in Dobbs Co for his wife, Priscilla. {Her “full part” was ½ of her father’s estate.}

On 4 Feb 1772, Etheldred had surveyed the above cited 200 ac on Stoney Creek, land adj James PATE’s line. On 12 Nov 1778 Etheldred entered 80 acs in Dobbs Co on the W sd of Beaverdam sw adj his own line, Gay HAMILTON’s, Bryant LYNCH’s, & Nicholas TAINER’s (sic) lines (Bk2p465); 5 days later this entry was caveated by Nicholas TINER (sic). Etheldred was listed on the 1779 Voters for Dobbs Co along w/ an explanation by the ed of The Free Press for Mar 1779 that voting “required the highest patriotic conviction.” If the Americans lost the war with Great Britain, those who voted would be id as “among the rankest seditionists…”[ODCR, SecVp1].

Etheldred & Daniel HEDGPETH were chain carriers for a NC Grant to Robert CRAWFORD on 10 Nov 1784; the land they measured was a tract of 140 ac in Dobbs Co on the N sd of Neuse Rv & S sd of Little Rv, adj Ralf WILSON, Jesse WATKINS, & Robert CRAWFORD (Bk3#526p50). On 11 Jul 1788 Etheldred of Wayne Co deeded to Lewis GURLEY for 20 lbs specie the 80 ac tract; in this deed the adj owners are identified as: Matthew RAIFORD’s old line, Nicholas TINER, & BRIDGERS. Wits were Josiah WISE, William WORLEY, & Joseph SCHON (Bk5p180). It seems that Etheldred retained ownership of the 80 ac tract altho a neighbor had “caveated” the deed. In DBk4 p326, #206 for Wayne Co on 29 Sep 1789 Etheldred BOYET is listed as buying from the State, this same 80 ac now in Wayne Co on the W sd of Little Rv & W sd of Beaverdam sw; he pd at the “current rate”of 50 sh per 100 acs. Adj owners were Matthew RAIFORD’s “old line,” Nicholas TYDER/TYNER, & BRADUS(sic). The adj owners’ names indicate that this is the same 80 ac listed above.   

Priscilla’s father’s est provided them w/ several parcels of land in Wayne Co which they sold aft her mother’s d. Bk5p180 shows that Etheldred rec’d 10£ sp from Lewis GURLEY on 14 Oct 1789 for land on W sd of Little Rv & Beaverdam Swp. Adj owners were “Mathew RAIFORD’s old line” & “near Nicholas TINER’s {size of plot is not rec’d}. But names indicate that this deed refers to the same 80 ac listed above. For some unknown reason, this transaction was not recd until Jan 1792.

Etheldred, Priscilla, & fam liv in Wayne Co in 1790, owning land adj William SASSER (on which David DAVIS lived), John PAGE, John WIGGS, & William JERNIGAN; this was located on the S sd of Little Rv. In the 1790 census in their HH were 3 males b aft 1774 & 6 fems.

On 30 Dec 1800 in Wayne Co, another deed was transacted which listed 150 ac of land adj Etheldred’s own lines; one wit for this deed was Joseph Ballard BOYT. In the1800 US census, both Etheldred & Priscilla are shown to be b bef 1755; in HH were 2 fems & 1 male b btw 1774 & 1784, 1 fem & 1 male b btw 1784 & 1790, & 2 fems b btw 1790 & 1800. Etheldred owned 5 slaves in 1800. Apparently 1 son & 2 daus had either m or d btw 1790 & 1800.

On 8 Oct 1801 Jesse WATKINS & his wife Patience (JERNIGAN sis of Priscilla) of Cumberland Co NC sold to Etheldred sev tracts of land in Wayne Co which Patience inherited from hers & Priscilla’s father, Thomas JERNIGAN; John BOYET wit’d the deeds (Bk8p75). Jesse, Patience, & fam moved to Montgomery Co TN bef 24 Jul 1810 as proven by Patience’s release of dower right—agreeing to sale of land in Wayne Co. Etheldred & Priscilla sold sev tracts of land in Wayne Co on 12 Jan 1807. Most were originally granted to her father, Thomas JERNIGAN.

Etheldred, Priscilla, & fam liv in Wayne Co in Aug 1807 when he filed a suit vs Stephen SASSER; Jehu BOYT was a wit. Etheldred was pd for 3 days attendance at ct; he deposed that distance to ct from his home was 34 miles, & that he attended ct 3 times dur Aug 1807. Etheldred & Priscilla sold their Wayne Co land in late 1807 for $1800 in silver. On 3 Oct 1807 a cert was recd for “Ethelred BOYT & his wife Priscilla also his daus Betsey, Betheny, & Martha as “acceptable members of Methodist Episcopal Ch in Wayne County, Raleigh Circuit” NC. This document was signed by Chirstopher S MORNING w/ a postscript which reads, “The Lord bless you all ways & make you a blessing where you go. C.S.M.”

Abt 1808 the fam moved to TN; in 1809 & 1810 Etheldred is listed in the Williamson Co TN tax list. He owed 1000 lbs of port to G D READ which on 23 Aug 1810 was to be pd to Moses TURNER. On 19 Jan 1812 they liv in Bedford Co TN where he purchased 340 ac for $1,050; land descd as beg at a stake in the co line div Bedford & Maury co. Wits to transaction: Jehu & James BOYET, prob his sons. Dur War of 1812, Etheldred & 2 sons, Jehu & James, served in Capt Lewis Medlin’s Co, 28th Regt, TN Mil for Bedford Co. Co Judge Allen LEEPER made a list of 98 men who served; this is on file at the TN State Library. It noted that Medlin’s Dist was in the Sinking ck & Rock ck area S of Duck Rv & above the Lincoln Co TN line. Later, this area became Dists 19 & 20 of Bedford Co. A receipt was rec’d for “Athaldratt” BOYT for “$9.87 1/2 c [sic] in full of his acct w/ us to present date…” 28 Dec 1819; it is to THOMPSON & WARDLOW by John C SAWYERS. He bought a negro, “Jack” from James BOYET on 3 Aug 1824, as rec’d in Bedford Co. He pd Thomas ROSS $185 “in full.” Another receipt notes, “Received of Etheldridge BOYETT by this lady ten dollars & 37 1/2 cents in full of his account w/ us [signed] B. WILLIAMS & Co.” Etheldred d aft 25 Sep 1828 & bef 2 Nov 1833 prob in Bedford Co TN. Neither he nor Priscilla are listed as head of HH in 1830 in Bedford Co; however, 8 BOYT/ BOYETT HHs are. BOYT: John b 1801-1810 (im 7of264), Anne b 1781-90 (im 35 of 264), & John b 1761-1770 (im 209 of 264); BOYETT: Elizabeth b 1771-1780 & Katharine b 1781-1790 (im 31of 264), James, Jesse, & Polor. Unfortunately, Ancestry & FamilySearch list James, Jesse, & Polor BOYETT as being listed in the 1830 census of Bedford Co but these men are not listed on their reference p. {both sites take the researcher to a p in Fayette Co w/ no one surnamed BOYT any spelling. A little searching to find John BOYES (b 1790-1799) liv in Bedford Co in 1830 w/ a HH headed by John AKIN b 1801-1810 just 1 HH btw (im41 of 264). Etheldred & Priscilla prob liv w/ adult children in 1830 & so are unnamed in census.

A receipt signed by James PARTON, dtd 2 Nov 1833 states, “Received of James BOYET my fee for services as Commissioner to lay off his portion of land in est of Ethelred BOYET, deceased.” Etheldred prob d 1833, & Priscilla d aft 1836 when she was taxed in Dist #15 Bedford Co on 117 3/4 ac (p172im85of151). A deed shows that both were decd bef Nov 1843. Bedford Co was divd in 1836 & Marshall Co was created. Some of their children liv in both. In Dec 1843 a deed dec’d part of his land as “formerly” adj to John ATKINS & now adj to Thomas G RAINEY & wife Eliza A (BOYET) ATKINS. Children:  Jesse or his son Jesse J pd a poll tax in Bedford Co in 1834; Bethena (b 1784, taxed in Bedford Co in 1834 (im85of151), left a will in Marshall Co dtd 4 Jul 1853, & d  aft 1850); John (maybe be John F BOYT who pd poll tax in Bedford in 1834 or John BOYT who d bef 28 Jul 1814); Jehu; Martha; Elizabeth taxed in 1834 Bedford Co on 50 acs; Alice b cal 1807 TN, m James Dawson JACKSON, liv in Dist 10, Overton Co TN on 11 Sep 1850 (Stm20HH#267im1of15), & d 22 Jul 1857 in Louisville, Jefferson Co KY (Anc im 406 of 686); James M (b 1790); Nancy; & Zilpha. [TGM, LRBTN, KWCNC, LRWNC, TLWTN, TLDNC, TRDNC, 79WNC, 80WNC, 83BTN, TNSLIB, WWCNC, BNI:3:5, AEDWMC. FRBAR, MCHQ6:3:94-5, DRJKY, 85OTN, WBMTN]

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