
Wendy Elliott, Ph.D., FUGA

Wendy Elliott, PhD, FUGA, published her first book on the Boyet/t/e family in 1982, From Boyt to Boyette: The Descendants of Thomas Boyet. She continually researches the various lines of this enormous family. She produced a quarterly, “The Boyt/e-Boyet/t/te Newsletter” from January 1985 through December 1986. She constantly encourages other family members to share and communicate their findings. This website will include past and recent work on these families. Her book and newsletters are online without her authorization, despite the fact that she copyrighted these materials.

She became a Certified Genealogist (with the Board of Certification of Genealogists) in 1980 and maintained that status until 1990 when she returned to school to obtain her doctorate in history.

She is Emerita of the History Department of California State University Fullerton where she taught various history classes and served as faculty advisor & instructor of the classes that produced the award-winning History Dept annual journal, The Welebaethan. She belongs to the Association of Professional Genealogists.

Wendy served in numerous capacities in genealogical and historical organizations and is internationally known for her family history work, lectures, and publications. She co-edited The Library: A Guide to the LDS Family History Library (Ancestry, 1988) which received the American Library Association “Reference Book of the Year” award in 1989. She also contributed 5 chapters to Ancestry’s Redbook: American State, County & Town Sources (1989) and several chapters to Ancestry’s Printed Sources: A Guide to Published Genealogical Records (1998). She wrote two articles for Encyclopedia of Immigration and Migration in the American West (2 vols) Sage Publications, 2006.

List of memberships, leadership roles, other positions & Publications:

2000 PhD in History, Claremont Graduate University

Fellow of Utah Genealogical Association
Named VIP of in 2000

Member                        Association of Professional Genealogists (APG)

Life Member                 Federation of Genealogical Societies (FGS), 1st VP Adm, Pres, (FGS became defunct aft joining w/ NGS)

Life Member                 California State Genealogical Alliance (CSGA) Also: Founding Secretary, President for 8 years, FGS Annual Conference Chair 2002 for CSGA/FGS

Life Member                 National Genealogical Society (NGS)

Life Member                 Orange County Historical Society (OCHS)

Life Member                 Placentia Founders Society (PFS—VP of Activities, docent, secretary, & at large)

Life Member                 Virginia Genealogical Society (VGS)

Life Member                 North Carolina Genealogical Society (NCGS)

Life Member                 Missouri State Genealogical Association (MSGA)

Life Member                 State Historical Society of Missouri (SHSM)

Life Member                 Randolph County (IL) Genealogical Society

Life Member                 Coffee County (TN) Historical Society

Life Member                 East Tennessee Historical Society

Life Member                 Tennessee Genealogical Society (TGS)

Life Member                 Johnson County Historical Society

Life Member                 Arkansas Historical Association (AHA)

Life Member                 Descendants of Early Quakers

Life Member                 Southern California Genealogical Society (SCGS)

Member                        Olde Dobbs County Historical Society

Member                        Blount Co Historical Society (TN)

Member                        Oklahoma Historical Society (OHS)

Member                        Kentucky Genealogical Society (KGS)

Member                        Kentucky Historical Society (KHS)

Member                        East Kentucky Genealogy & History (journal)

Author                          From Boyt to Boyette: The Descendants of Thomas Boyet @ Wendy Elliott CG 1982.

Author                          “Fallibility of Indexes” Federation of Genealogical Societies FORUM  (Spring1987)

Author                          “Fallibility of Indexes” APG Quarterly 2:2 (Summer 1987) pp 1-7.

Author                          “The Jews of Boyle Heights, 1900-1950: The Melting Pot of Los Angeles” Southern California Quarterly  78:1 (Spring 1996), pp 1-10.

Author                          “Stories Matter” Federation of Genealogical Societies FORUM 17:4 (Winter 2005) p 3.

Author                          “From the Cover: The Bebouts” FGS FORUM  17:4 (Winter 2005), pp 19-20.

Author                          Printed Sources: A Guide to Published Genealogical Records (Ancestry, 1988), 2 chapters.

CoEditor & Author        The Library: A Guide to the LDS Family History Library, (Ancestry, 1998 Amer Lib Association “Reference Book of the Year” 1989.

Author                          Redbook: American State, County, and Town Sources, (Ancestry, c1989, 1992, 2004) chapters on “Arkansas,” “Kentucky,” “Oklahoma,” “Tennessee,” & “Texas.”

Author                          “The Importance of Historical Context” North Hills  (Ingomar, PA) Genealogists 16:3 (2005) report from FGS FORUM.  

Author                          “Preservation and Access: Shades of L.A.” FGS FORUM  8:4 (Winter 1996) pp 5-6.

Author                          “Keeping Interest Alive in Your Society” FGS FORUM  20:3  (Fall 2008) p 3.

Author                          “Projects Are Important to a Society: FGS FORUM  18: 3 (Fall 2006) p 3.

Author                          “A Message from the New FGS President” FGS FORUM  17: 1 (Spring 2005) p 3.

Award                          “Distinguished Service Award” Federation of Genealogical Societies 1990.

Award                          “Award of Merit” FSG

Award                          “Service Award” Southwest Oral History Association 2008

President                      California State Genealogical Alliance 1984-1991

President                      Federation of Genealogical Societies 2005-2013.

President                      Southwest Oral History Association (SOHA) 2003

Board/Director              Federation of Genealogical Societies 1989-1997

Executive Board            SOHA 2003-2004

Certified Genealogist    Board for Certification of Genealogists, 1980-1990.

Certified Lecturer         Board for Certification of Genealogists, 1986-1998.

Founding Committee     California State Genealogical Alliance (CSGA) 1982

Secretary                      CSGA 1982-1986

Conference Chair          CSGA 2002

Conference Co-Chair      Southwest Oral History Association (SOHA) 2002

Researcher in person county courthouses throughout the US
Researcher in person cemeteries throughout the US
Researcher in person libraries of state, county, and local records throughout the US
Researcher in person numerous state archives with focus on southern states
Researcher in person numerous local churches and record repositories in the US & a few in England
Researcher in person Family History Library at least annually for over 40 years
Researcher in person Allen County (Ft Wayne IN)
Researcher in person New England Historic Genealogical Society
Researcher in person National Archives, Washington DC
Researcher in person English archives and local genealogical/historical societies

Life Member of California State Genealogical Alliance (CSGA)
FGS: Board member, Director, Vice President, President
Co-Founder Yorba Linda Genealogical Society (now North Orange County Genealogical Society)
Past President of YLGS

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