DNA Trees courtesy of David Boyett​

The Big Y-700 Test Marries Science to Genealogy, courtesy of David Boyett

The Big Y-700 test creates a genetic tree, in conjunction with other testers, which provides scientifically calculated dates when branches of the genetic tree were formed.

The genetic tree should align, at least closely, with testers’ genealogical trees.

In other words, if their genealogy is accurate, testers “should” fit in (or at least near) the appropriate places on the branches of the genetic tree.

Furthermore, for people trying to sort out their actual branch in the tree, the Big Y-700 test is MUCH MORE reliable than the earlier STR (short tandem repeat) tests that are prone to random and back mutations. At one time, STR tests were all that was available, but now, SNPs have been added to our arsenal. SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms) are extremely stable and reliable mutations.

 Boyt, Haviland, Cockram and Pitt Families of Isle of Purbeck, Dorset by David Boyett


DNA Branch FTA52258

Boyt SNP Tree Sept 17 2022

Hap H-FTA52258




FamilyTreeDNA – Savages of Colonial Surry County, VA

Boyetes from Dorset England


From Dorset Co England to Canada. Please add the information that this data is about Boytes who live in Canada, but descend from Boytes in  Dorset England. I believe that Leen used the parish registers to add documentary evidence of the connection between the two groups. 

Learn more about BigY testing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I0SXBSIVjM
NMGS Quarterly Talks: Lee Martinez: “Enabling the genealogy citizen scientist” New Mexico Genealogical Society

For new orders use this link for discounted upgrades to BigY order from your FTDNA account using retained sample. . https://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?Group=Boyette

Project needs more BigY Upgrades or new BigY members: For upgrades just login to your FTDNA account and select the upgrades. To order a new test you can use this link: . https://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?Group=Boyette

August 2023: https://blog.familytreedna.com/globetrekker-discover-report/ Select GlobeTrekker in Discover Reports.
Globetrekker estimates geographical ancestor locations and migrations across the world based on the largest database of high-coverage Y-DNA sequences, ancient DNA results from archaeological remains, and user-reported ancestral locations.

BigY Group Tree: https://discover.familytreedna.com/groups/boyette/tree?subgroups=297956,297957,297958 (select your group/s on the left)

NEW: July 2023 https://blog.familytreedna.com/earliest-known-ancestor/
The New Globetrekker Feature Will Also Use Earliest Known Ancestor Locations
Big Y testers will be able to trace the paths of their ancestors with the new Globetrekker in Discover. UPDATE YOUR Earliest Known Ancestor, this feature only works if it is entered correctly.

2023: Advances in YDNA Testing (BigY SNP Testing): https://blog.familytreedna.com/why-big-y-700/
Older Y-DNA37-111 test can be upgraded (Best test is Y700, only males have YDNA)
. https://blog.familytreedna.com/group-time-tree/

DNA Testing Lab: http://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?Group=Boyette
Join Us Now On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/41272360397/
Boyette DNA Project Results: http://www.familytreedna.com/public/boyette/default.aspx?section=ycolorized

Rare YDNA H2 Discovered in Ireland): https://pbase.com/daveb/purbeck/Y700/Y700H
DNA Surname Project: Training Guides
NOTE: Due to recent security changes only project members who are logged in can see ALL of the test results. To join, search for your surname and view testing options: . https://www.familytreedna.com/group-project-search Already a project member, login to your account and view upgrade options.

Nansemond Petitions 1784: https://www.therainwatercollection.com/reference/ref123.pdf
Virginia Land Patents: https://lva.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01LVA_INST:01LVA&sortby=title&tab=LibraryCatalog&mfacet=lds04,include,LAN,1,lk&query=any,contains,Boyt
IOW/Nansemond Patent Map: (Map Located below “This file is huge”) . https://andersonnc.wordpress.com/isle-of-wight-map/
NC Land Patent Database: http://www.nclandgrants.com/
Duplin Co NC Original Land Grant Maps: http://www.duplinrod.com/
NC Digital Collections: https://digital.ncdcr.gov/digital/search/searchterm/Boyt
LDS Records: https://familysearch.org

Boyett Message Board: https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.boyett/mb.ashx
From Boyt to Boyett/e: (Book by Wendy Elliott) . http://www.ancestry.com/interactive/61157/46155_b289785-00004#?imageId=46155_b289785-00000
Family Search (From Boyt to Boyett/e): http://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?from=fhd&dps_pid=IE91502
Thomas Boyt of the Virginia Colony, Nansemond, VA: . http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~boyett/Thomas_Boyt.htm
. https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~boyett/genealogy/Descendants%20of%20Thomas%20Boyt.pdf
Wayne Co NC Wills: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/wayne/wills/
Olde Dobbs Trail Newsletter: http://familysearch.org/search/catalog/1412289?availability=Family%20History%20Library
Allied Families: Boyte Boyt Ballard Pate Langston Jones Jerigan Howell Hooks (VA & NC)
. http://www.ncgenweb.us/bladen/reports/pait/boyt.thomas.pdf
. http://freepages.rootsweb.com/~boyett/genealogy/BoytPait.pdf
Boyett Family Newsleters
. https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~boyett/history/boyettnews.pdf
. https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~boyett/history/boylib.htm
Boyt Surname Meaning and Origin: https://www.igenea.com/en/surnames/b/boyt

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